Не словом, а делом. Видео выставки

Not by word,
but by deed


About the exhibition

In 2022, Russia celebrated the 350th anniversary of the birth of the first Russian emperor, Peter the Great. In 2023 Ekaterinburg, the capital of the mining civilization, is celebrating its 300th anniversary. The interrelation of these events became the basis for the appearance of the multimedia historical exhibition “Not by word, but by deed”.

The exposition tells about the fate of the whole country and the Ural region in particular through the prism of the lives of two great creators of their time — Emperor Peter I and industrialist Nikita Demidov. The guests of the exhibition will find themselves at the beginning of the XVIII century, in a turbulent era, where the dreamer tsar built a fleet, new cities and a new image of Russia, and the busy Tula master created on Urals industrial support for transformation.


This exhibition is a historical journey through the rivers of the life of Peter the Great and Nikita Demidov, who intertwine, then diverging, then joining together. On the one hand, it is symbolism, where the viewer gets acquainted with great personalities and their activities, which influenced the formation of the mining Urals and the geopolitical situation in the world. But on the other hand, a waterway is not just a visual or narrative image. It was on the rivers that the Petrovsky fleet arose and new cities were built. Rivers turned the water wheels of Demidov factories and helped deliver products to the place where the first Russian emperor made history.


Each historical episode in the exposition is expressed by 2-3 capacious theses, which can be compared with loud newspaper headlines or Twitter.

Visitors are free to do with them somewhere, without losing the thread and the message, and somewhere to dive into details on tables and touchscreens. However, even there they are not in danger of choking on an overabundance of facts or suffocating from the dryness of the presentation.

The viewer is presented with landmark documents and decrees of the imperial court, outlines of the main Ural factories, rare engravings of the XVIII century and other carefully selected materials.

Graphics in the style of line art skillfully and neatly complements the text with visual images, without drawing a lot of attention to themselves. This style was not chosen by chance: line art is consonant with engraving – the art of graphic impression, which was developed precisely in the Peter the Great era.

Author’s illustrations for historical facts or events of special importance: bright and colorful where you need to emphasize, or concise, where you only need to complement the image.

of content

Several thematic halls are located on an area of 800 square meters.

The main narrative unfolds on projection screens.

Also at the disposal of the visitor are graphic tables with touchscreens, where you can get acquainted with high-quality scans of paintings, engravings and documents of that time.

So, in the hall of the twelve colleges, you can study in more depth the main state reform of Peter or get acquainted with the drawings of the first firearms created by Tula craftsmen.

Не словом, а делом. Фото выставки.

There are 2 holographic theaters in the exhibition space, so that the guests of the exhibition can see the first ships of the Russian fleet with their own eyes using 3D projections or listen to the live story of the master of the Demidovsky plant about his craft.

The foundries perfectly reflect the spirit of the industrial era. In the exposition, the viewer is confronted with real and metaphorical objects that complement the narrative. For example, the cast-iron form of the cannon and the form of the Moscow soldiers, personifying the Streletsky revolt.

Small architectural forms of a water wheel, a cast-iron cannon, a blast furnace lever allow children and adults to touch a bygone era. Some models are interactive: from the turn of the water wheel, the modern panorama of Nevyansk is replaced by a reproduction of the embankment of the city of the XVIII century, and by pulling a lever in the hall of the factory shop, molten cast iron is poured into a chute located on the floor.

For a more complete immersion, our team has developed a VR game where each of the visitors will find themselves in a real historical reconstruction of the Demidovsky factory of the XVIII century. To see what the iron foundry looked like from the inside, get acquainted with the production and make a ship’s cannon with your own hands, and then also shoot from it.

Не словом, а делом. Видео выставки.

Sound design at exhibitions plays a significant role in emotional perception.

The audio accompaniment creates the necessary atmosphere of dialogue between the exposition and the visitor: the viewer is at the Dutch shipyard, he hears the sea, the cries of seagulls, the noise of canvas and the clatter of tools of shipwrights. Some halls are saturated only with sounds, but in some you can also hear the live speech of announcers telling about certain milestones of history.

57 animated
mapping projections
8 interactive touchscreens
1 VR-simulation game
of the factory workshop
of the XVIII century
2 holographic theaters
9 skillful casting matrices
3 interactive small
architectural forms
14 м mapping projections
360° overview panorama
Nevyansk of the era of Peter the Great

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